12 March, 2010

Interior panels for the slider and hatch

I decided to duck out to the garage last night and work on the interior a bit.  I took a couple of the left over pieces of FRP from the headliner and figured they would make nice interior trim panels.  I had the OG slider door trim so I just laid the old part onto the sheet and traced the outline, cut it out with the saber-saw and drilled the holes.  I decided to give it a quick sanding on the edges to neaten it up a bit and it popped right on and fit well.

The rear lift gate trim was missing, but all the clips were there.  I measured and trimmed and cut until the panel fit nicely.  I don't know what the cutout for the real door lock/release thingy is supposed to look like, so I took a guess.  Seems to be OK I suppose.

Overall I am pretty happy with how they came out.  I am missing two of the little clips for the slider so I will have to see if someone on the Samba list sells these.  The only thing I am a bit worried about is the sound.  The new panels buzz when you tap them.  I am afraid I am going to have to install a thin layer of felt, or some kind of vibration stopper between  the panels and the body metal to stop this.  The first test ride will tell all!

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